Bury Parish Church have a wonderful 3-Manual Nicholson Organ, rebuilt in 2007. It is built to have a French sound to it, and has a fantastic array of stops.
The organ has been played here for over a hundred years, and some of the original pipework is still in use to this day. The organ was originally situated above the west door, but was relocated to the new position when the church was rebuilt in 1876. The organ console has been moved about since the repositioning, once being a tracker organ, but then electrics were installed and the console moved to the south side of the chancel. It faced East until 2007 when the organ console was turned to face south.
- Octave Trumpet 4’
- Trumpet 8’
- Mixture III
- Fifteenth 2’
- Twelfth 2 2/3’
- Harmonic Flute 4’
- Octave 4’
- Clarabella 8’
- Salicional 8’
- Small Open Diapason 8’
- Large Open Diapason 8’
- Bourdon 16’
- Octave Trumpet 4’
- Octave Tuba 4’
- Trumpet 8’
- Tuba 8’
- Tremulant
- Clarinet 8’
- Sesquialtera II
- Larigot 1 1/3’
- Flageolet 2’
- Rohr Flöte 4’
- Principal 4’
- Lieblich Gedeckt 8’
- Viola da Gamba 8’
- Open Diapason 8’
- Posaune 8’
- Trombone 16’
- Mixture II
- Fifteenth 4’
- Bass Flute 8’
- Octave 8’
- Bourdon 16’
- Open Metal 16’
- Sub Bass 32’
- Swell Tremulant
- Swell Reeds on Pedal
- Gt & Ped Pistons Combined
- Sw to Ped thumb piston
- + Sequence Stepper thumb piston
- 8 thumb pistons to Swell (toe pistons duplicating)
- Gt to Ped thumb piston (toe piston duplicating)
- Sw to Gt thumb piston
- Choir to Great thumb piston
- + Sequence Stepper thumb piston
- 8 thumb pistons to Great (toe pistons duplicating
- Ch to Ped thumb piston
- Swell to Choir thumb piston
- + Sequence Stepper thumb piston
- 8 thumb pistons to Choir
- Sequence Set thumb piston
- General Cancel thumb piston
- Balanced Swell Pedal
- 16 Divisionals
- 96 Generals
- Clarion 4’
- Oboe 8’
- Cornopean 8’
- Contra Fagotto 16’
- Mixture III
- Fifteenth 2’
- Höhl Flöte 4’
- Principal 4’
- Viole d’Orchestre 8’
- Voix Celeste 8’
- Stopped Diapason 8’
- Open Diapason 8’
- Lieblich Bourdon 16’
- Swell to Pedal
- Great to Pedal
- Choir to Pedal
- Swell to Choir
- Swell to Great
- Choir to Great
- Swell Octave
- Swell Unison Off
- Swell Sub Octave
Organ Console situated with organist facing South in the South Chapel.
Swell and Pedal drawer stops to left of keys.
Great and Choir drawer stops to right of keys.
Reeds labeled in red.