Events over Easter
During Holy Week and Easter Weekend, there is a lot happening at Bury Parish Church.
Check out the events below and come and join us
Experience Easter
Monday 3rd April – Saturday 15th April (not Sundays or Tuesdays)
Come and discover the Easter story for yourself. From the celebration of Jesus entering Jerusalem, through the intimacy of the Last Supper and the despair of abandonment and death, to the wonder and mystery of the empty tomb, different sensory stations will be set up around the church to help us reflect on how it must have felt for people then and what it means for us today.
Thursday 13th April - Maundy Thursday
Seder Meal - 6pm
A simple supper of bread and soup, shared with friends and strangers, followed by a service which remembers the Passover meal Jesus shared with his friends on the night before he died.
Friday 14th April - Good Friday
Walk of Witness - 11:45am
Meet at church to walk across to the United Reform Church for this retelling of the events of Good Friday at locations around Bury Town Centre.
Free Craft Activities and Lunch - 12pm - 3pm
For children under 11 (and their parents/carers).
Friday 14th April - Good Friday
Come and Sing: Fauré Requiem - 3:30pm
Rehearsals for a performance of Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem Mass. Open to all!
£7 for adults, £4 for students.
For further details, click the image
Come and Listen: Fauré Requiem - 7:30pm
Enjoy the Come and Sing choir’s performance.
£5 entry for all