Firstly, I must thank the Rector and his team for the lovely Festival service hosted at our Church in October. Also thanks to members who helped in an official capacity and all who attended the service.  I understand it’s over 10 years since we last hosted the Deanery Festival so it was new territory for me but as usual I had lots of support from within the branch. Thank you.

In October I attended the M U Manchester Diocese council meeting. One change is the Students welcome packs are being reviewed. Mothers’ Union are focusing on supporting the homeless people. Greater Manchester Winter Night Shelters are to open from 1st November and remain open for the following 6 months providing night support to many. Referrals will be vetted via the Booth Centre. There are 7 centres around the Manchester area and each centre will house 12 camp beds. We are being asked to support this project. Items of socks, underwear, food, toiletries etc and financial donations will be welcomed.

MU will be holding a ‘New to You’ Children’s clothes sale at St Paul’s school on the 16th November. If anyone has any good quality children’s clothes they no longer need we will be pleased to have them. If you bring them to Church and leave them with Flo Leeming, she is very good at seeing they get to me.

Also, we have a team of 5 ladies who are going into St Paul’s school each week to support and encourage the children with their reading. I am grateful to the ladies who have given their time and support to this project. If anyone else is interested in joining us do get in touch with me.

Our Christmas celebration is at the Red Hall on Tuesday 6th December at 7.00pm for 7.30pm. If anyone needs transport please let me know. Please remember to bring a small gift for the secret Santa cost £3 - £5 as Santa will be dropping in sometime during the evening. Please feel free to invite a friend to join us but I do need final numbers by 4th November. I have invited St Peter’s MU to join us again this year.

Mr Brian Hallworth is the speaker at the November meeting. The title of his talk/presentation is ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ and is about Christmas customs and traditions with a few Carols thrown in. Visitors very welcome.

The Bury Deanery Mothers’ Union Advent Service is at St Andrew’s, Ramsbottom on Sunday 27th November at 2.30pm.

The Manchester Diocese Advent service is at St Ann’s, Manchester on Thursday 1st December at 1.30pm.


In Love and Friendship

Susan Sugden
Branch Leader