Mothers' Union Branch Leader's Letter for August


Mollie Seddon our oldest and longest serving member of our branch sadly passed away in June. Mollie had been a loyal and faithful member of MU for 67 years with all membership at Bury Parish Church, a remarkable achievement. The funeral was held in July and sadly I wasn’t able to be there due to holiday commitments but I know there was a good representation from the Branch.

Thank you to all who attended the Social Evening in July. There was lots of chatting, with a fun quiz, raffle and light supper which all added to make an enjoyable evening.   Special thanks to committee members for their help and John Clegg for supplying the quiz. We raised over £60 for the MU project Wheels Appeal.

The Children’s Clothes sale held at St Paul’s School Summer Fair in July made over £40 for School funds. Thanks to all who donated clothes, your support is very much appreciated by all. Since starting the ‘New to you’ Children’s clothes sales in 2013 we have raised over £600 for the School funds.

From September we hope to begin supporting the children in their reading. A few ladies have offered their support but can I stress that if anyone who isn’t a MU member is interested in being involved please get in touch with me.

There will be no monthly meeting in August, however I have arranged an Afternoon Tea at Park Farm, Ramsbottom on Tuesday 9th August @ 2.30pm. This event is open to members and friends from the congregation so do come and join us.  The cost is £11.95.  Please ring me on the number below to reserve a place.

Also on the 9th August the Archdeaconry Festival is taking place at St Mary’s Rawstenstall @ 7.30pm. I shall be going and if anyone would care to join me you are very welcome.

I know it seems too early to think about Christmas but at our September meeting we will need to decide on the venue for our Christmas Celebration. Last year we went to the Red Hall and the previous 2 years the Masonic Hall. Any other suggestions?

I hope you all have a lovely summer break.

In Love and Friendship

Susan Sugden
Branch Leader