At our October meeting we held a Bring and Buy for the Mothers’ Union AFIA project and a total of £43 was raised. At the Deanery event at Christ Church, Walmersley, also in October, more than £200 was made for MU projects. Julie Lancaster (Deanery Leader) was delighted so many members supported this event.  Many thanks for your support.

If anyone wants a Mothers’ Union diary and didn’t manage to be at the October meeting when we had the MU shop with us do ring me as I can get more at the Autumn Council in November. If anyone would like to come to the Autumn Council with me do let me know.

At our November meeting we have Maureen Hawksworth who will talk about a centre in Nepal which supports women and their children. Maureen also makes crafts to support the centre.

On Wednesday 14th November we are holding a children’s ‘New to You Sale’ at St Paul’s School 3.00pm - 5.00pm. If anyone is able to help on the day it would be much appreciated. We will need to be at the school from 2.15pm to set up.

The MU is continuing to support the children at St Paul’s School with reading. We have five ladies involved with this worthwhile project.

Will the committee please note a meeting is arranged for Wednesday 1st November at 2.30pm in The House on The Rock.

The Christmas celebration is at the Masonic Hall, Bury on Tuesday 5th December, 12.30pm for 1.00pm. The cost is £19.50 and payments are due by 19th November. Cheques if possible made out to Bury Parish Church MU. We are again having a Secret Santa with gifts priced approx £3. The lunch is open to non members so if anyone would like to join us you are very welcome to do so. Please ring me on 01204 884671 to book a place.

The Bury Deanery Advent Service is on Sunday 3rd December at the Canon Lewis Hall, Holcombe Brook at 2.30pm.

The Diocese Advent Service is on Thursday 7th December at St Ann's, Manchester at 1.30pm.

In love and friendship

Susan Sugden
Branch Leader