Many thanks to all the ladies who provided cakes for the Induction Service on the 19th November as we welcomed our new Rector, Julian and Jackie to Bury Parish Church. Our prayers and support are with them as they begin this new chapter in their lives.

I attended the MU Autumn Council in November and we had guest speaker Kevin from L’arche speaking about his work with this universal organisation which supports people with learning disabilities. The founder was philosopher Jean Vanier who believed people with the right support and care should live within society not be shut away in institutions. This was very forward thinking in 1964.

Also, we heard from Hilary Thomas who spoke about Fairtrade and urged everyone to support the Community Fairtrade Farmers by being aware of what you put in your shopping basket and the refreshments you serve at the MU meeting. If the farmers are paid a fair price for their produce the workers are paid a fair wage.

I will put the minutes from the Autumn Council on the notice board when I receive them for anyone who is interested in reading the full content.

Subscriptions for 2018 are £22.50 incurring an increase of 50p and payment will be due in January/February. If possible please pay by cheque, payable to Bury Parish Church MU.

Our Christmas meal is at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday 5th December at 12.30pm for 1.00pm and I’m delighted to tell you that the guests joining us are the Rector and Jackie as well as Canon Ian McVeety.

As is the normal format we will not hold a meeting in January. The February and March meetings will be held in the afternoon at 1.00pm. As we all know weather conditions can be difficult at that time of year so we are trying this and I would welcome your feedback.

Lastly, I would like to say thank you to all members for your support throughout the year and wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and a Healthy New Year.

In Love and Friendship

Susan Sugden
Branch Leader