I hope you all enjoyed a lovely Easter.

Firstly, let me thank all members and friends for the generous donations of cakes for Mothering Sunday and Easter Eggs for the children. We had enough eggs for all children who attended our Church and St Paul’s on Easter Sunday as well as giving each pupil at St Paul’s School an egg too. Many thanks to all.

Thank you also to Rhiannon for coming along to our meeting last month and giving us an insight into the work being done in Cambodia. It was interesting but quite shocking regarding what is going on there. Thankfully there are people working there with a true commitment to improve conditions and change lives.

At our next meeting (Tuesday 2nd May) we have Mike from Oldham Mountain Rescue giving a talk/presentation on the work they do. This will be interesting and informative. As usual our meetings are open to visitors so do come along and join us. We charge £1 for refreshments of tea and biscuits and if you want to take your chance in the raffle that is 50p a ticket.

May is proving to be a busy month as again we have been asked to host the Deanery AGM. This is to be held on Monday 8th May at 7.00pm in the Blackburne Hall with the usual stalls of Bring and Buy, a Raffle and the MU shop. Refreshments will be tea and biscuits. On Sunday 14th May the Mothers’ Union will be providing the Parish Lunch. Offers of help for either of the above events will be much appreciated.

The MU Spring Council meeting is to be held at Church House, 90 Deansgate on Saturday 6th May 9.30am - 2.00pm. I am planning to go and if anyone would like to join me you are very welcome to do so.

In love and friendship

Susan Sugden

Branch Leader