At the September meeting it was agreed we would hold our Christmas celebration at the Masonic Hall in Bury on Tuesday 5th December at lunchtime rather than in the evening. The cost will be approximately £19. I will have the menus at the October meeting. Friends are very welcome to join us. We also discussed the option of holding our February and March meetings in the afternoon as at that time of year the weather can be unpredictable. It was agreed we try this and see how it goes.
Peter Watson was as entertaining as ever and had us all laughing with his talk on alternative medicines.
For our meeting on the 3rd October we do not have a speaker but plan to have a Bring and Buy in aid of AFIA (Away From It All). AFIA provide holiday breaks for families who have had a difficult time. There was a report in the Spring Cymbal from Christine Sharp, Action and Outreach Co-ordinator, stating how highly valued this project is. Frances from the Mothers’ Union shop will also be at the meeting so there will be an opportunity to purchase 2018 diaries, planners and cards etc. We will also have social time to chat and catch up in general.
On Monday 2nd October Julie Lancaster (Bury Deanery Leader) is hosting a fund raising event in aid of AFIA. This will take place at Christ Church, Walmersley at 1.00pm. The cost is £1 and will include a light lunch. There will be a Bring and Buy and Raffle.
Last year some members supported children at St Paul’s School with reading and we have been asked to continue our support. We will begin again in early October and if anyone else would like to join us that would be appreciated. Many thanks to all the ladies who gave their time and energy last year, it was much appreciated by the school.
I, with the committee, will be putting together the 2018 programme soon and if anyone has any suggestions for speakers do let me know.
The Deanery Advent Service will be held at the Canon Lewis Hall on Sunday 3rd December at 2.30pm.
The Diocesan Advent Service will be held at St Ann’s, Manchester on Thursday 7th Decemberat 1.30pm.
In love and friendship
Susan Sugden
Branch Leader