Branch Leader's Letter for September

Thank you to everyone who attended the afternoon tea and a special thanks to the ladies who helped bring it all together on the day. In total including the guest speaker we catered for forty-six people. I have had many comments from people saying how much they enjoyed the social get together and found the speaker very entertaining. We raised £125 which will be donated to Mothers’ Union projects.

At the Deanery leaders’ meeting in August, Julie Lancaster suggested a Bury Deanery get together. This is planned for Monday 2nd October at 1.00pm at Christ Church, Walmersley. There will be a Jacob’s table and branch leaders will be responsible for donations from their branch. Tickets are £1 and the closing date for tickets is 22nd September. There will be a raffle and a bring and buy. Funds raised from this event will go to Mothers’ Union AFIA ‘Away from it All’ which provides holidays/short breaks for families.

The Diocesan festival will be held on Saturday 16th September at 1.30pm at Manchester Cathedral.

The Bury Deanery Advent service will be held on Sunday 3rd December at 2.30pm at Canon Lewis Hall, Holcombe Brook.

At our September meeting we have Peter Watson speaking about alternative medicines. Peter has been to our meetings before and is very entertaining in the delivery of his talk.

As mentioned in the August magazine we do need to plan our Christmas social and I would welcome ideas. One lady has mentioned she would prefer to meet at lunch time rather than an evening event. Please consider this and also venues to discuss at the meeting.

Also, it’s the time of year when I need to plan the programme for next year and again I did wonder if February and March meetings would be better placed for the afternoon rather than the evening, as the weather can be unpredictable at that time of year. My thoughts were to possibly meet between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. Please let me have your thoughts.

Susan Sugden

Branch Leader