MU Branch Leader's Letter for October

We had an enjoyable meeting last month with Mr Hadyn Keenan speaking about his role as Registrar. He was both interesting and amusing. He did mention that we would be welcome to have a tour of the archives of the Registrars Dept. We may well take him up on this offer at some time in the future.

At the October meeting we have MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) speaking about the work they do in flying aid to people in disaster areas. As part of their way of raising funds they do collect old postcards which they sell on to collectors, so if anyone has any old postcards and are happy to part with them MAF would very much appreciate them.

The Christmas celebration in December will be held at the Red Hall on Tuesday 4th at 12.30pm for 1.00pm. Names will be being taken at the October meeting with payment due in November. As usual guests are welcome to join us so do invite friends and family. This invitation is open to all members of the congregation too, so please ring me on the number below if you would like to join us.

Tickets for the Evening of Celebration at the Stoller Hall in Manchester being held on Monday 29th October are available and cost £8. Do let me know if you want a ticket.

The September newsletter is available and there is one on the notice board in Church and also a copy printed in this issue of the magazine. This monthly newsletter is replacing Cymbal which has become too expensive to produce.

 There is no coach transport being arranged by the Deanery for the service at York Minster in November as numbers aren’t enough so we are to make our own travel arrangements. Five members from our branch are planning to go so we are well represented.

In love and friendship

Susan Sugden

Branch Leader