The November meeting is to be a social evening with the Mothers’ Union shop in attendance for the purchase of diaries, calendars, cards etc. Also, payments for the Christmas Lunch will be being taken. If possible, can you make the payment by cheque payable to Bury Parish Church MU. If anyone from the congregation would like to join us for this Christmas celebration you are very welcome to do so. The Lunch will take place at The Red Hall on Tuesday 4th December, 12.30pm for 1.00pm. Please ring me on the number below to book a place.

Mary Sumner House is for the first time holding a Mothers’ Union Christmas Raffle and tickets are on sale now. Tickets cost £1 with a first prize of £2000 and other cash prizes to be won. The draw will take place on 17th December 2018.

St Paul’s School PTA has asked for our help in knitting mini Christmas Stockings into which they will add a small chocolate bar and sell to raise funds for the school. Any colour of stocking is ok. The sales will start at the beginning of December. If anyone can help with this task it will be much appreciated. A pattern is printed on page 7 of this magazine.

I visited the Food Bank last week with Judith Norris to meet the people involved in the centre and also find out a little more about the unit. In the conversation it came up that they are planning to distribute Christmas food parcels to the elderly people living near to the centre. East Ward School sent their Harvest Festival to the centre and this will be used for this cause. However, it would be nice to add a Christmas treat along the lines of an individual Christmas pudding, chocolate biscuits or mince pies etc. so I thought if anyone is willing to donate an item this would be appreciated. Items can be passed to me or put in the red bucket at the back of church.

The October newsletter is available and as usual there is a copy on the notice board in church and I will have copies at the November meeting but as its 6 pages long it isn’t possible to print in the magazine this month. The important news included in the newsletter is the announcement of the new Worldwide President, Mrs Sheran Harper.

In love and friendship

Susan Sugden

Branch Leader