As usual our first meeting of year was the AGM and 23 members attended. The Rector chaired the meeting and began by welcoming everyone followed by prayers. Edith read the secretary’s report which reminds us of all we have done in 2017. I do so enjoy this and am grateful to everyone for their help in all we have achieved during the year.

Jackie Bolton, Eileen Winterbottom and Helen Hill have completed their 3 years on the committee, therefore creating 3 vacancies, however Eileen and Helen stated they were willing to stand again if no else was put forward. Their offer was gratefully received. Pat Sedman was elected as a new member replacing Jackie. My thanks go to all committee members, secretary and treasurer for their help and support.

Committee Members:

     Eileen Winterbottom, Helen Hill and Pat Sedman to serve for 3 years.

     Carol Hill, Gloria Wardle and Jennifer Duckworth to serve for 2 years.

     Rosemary Smith, Jean Simpson and Theresa Taylor to serve for 1 year.

     Secretary is Edith Hayhurst.

     Treasurer is June Wight.

     Banner Bearers are Carol Hill, Jean Naisbitt and Rosemary Smith.

March is proving to be a busy month beginning with the Women’s World Day of Prayer service to be held on Friday 2nd March at Bolton Road Methodist Church at 2.00pm.

At our March meeting we have Ian Warburton from Street Pastors speaking about the worthwhile work they do in keeping people safe. This will be very interesting and will give us an insight into the challenges they face in doing the work they do. As usual visitors are very welcome to join us. The meeting will start at 1.30pm and please note there will NOT be a Holy Communion service prior to the meeting as the BBC are filming in Church. Also parking alongside Church will not be available but for anyone unable to walk any distance we have permission from the Rector to park at the Rectory.

Please can I remind you that we are collecting Easter Eggs for the children so if you could bring donations to the March meeting it would be very much appreciated.

Mothering Sunday is on 11th March and as usual Mothers’ Union will be providing cakes to be served following the 10.00am service. Donations can be brought to the March meeting or on the Sunday morning any time from 9.20am.

I have also had a request form St Paul’s School for knitted chicks. They are planning a fund raising event w/c 26th March and are hoping for 200 knitted chicks so if anyone is able to help they would be grateful. Any colour of chick, they don’t have to be yellow. If you leave them at Church with my name on they will get to me. Knitting instructions can be found on page 28 of this magazine.

Lastly, our love and prayers are with Marilyn Smith and family on the loss of Philip.

In love and friendship

Susan Sugden
Branch Leader