Wow, what super weather we are enjoying at the moment. David tells me it will be hotter here than Tenerife for the Bank Holiday weekend. Enjoy!!

At the May meeting we were treated to a presentation by the Rector about his pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. We all found it very interesting and enjoyed hearing about Julian and Jackie’s experience. Many of us had seen the TV program shown recently with celebrities making the same journey but to hear about someone’s personal experience was brilliant.

At our June meeting we have Chris Foote-Wood talking about his trips around all remaining 56 UK pleasure seaside piers. I think it will be fun to see some familiar places.

I have been asked by St Paul’s School to thank all the ladies who knitted chicks for their fundraising event in March and the total raised was £129.

At the Deanery AGM, this year hosted by Christ Church, Walmersley it was announced that Christine Sharp is to be the new President of the Manchester Diocese when Cath Hilton completes her triennium later this year.  Also there is a vacancy for Deanery Secretary to assist Julie Lancaster (Deanery Leader). There are 4 Branch Leader meetings each year when minutes need to be taken as well as the AGM. If anyone is interested I can give you Julie’s contact details.

On 10th June it is the Mothers’ Union's turn to host  the  Parish  Lunch.  Offers  of  help  will be appreciated.                                                                                                                                

July will be very busy as along with our regular meeting on the 3rd July the following will be taking place:

Wednesday 4th (BPC) Trip to White Coppice Farm, Stones and Roses Garden, Chorley. Cost £8.00 inc. refreshments. Transport will be an extra charge.

Thursday 19th United in Support. Union of Catholic Mothers and Mothers’ Union are holding a joint fund raising event at Holy Cross College, Bury. Cost £5.00.

Saturday 21st MU Retreat 2018. Schoenstatt Centre, Kearsley. 9.30am - 4.00pm. Tickets £10.00.

Tuesday 24th (BPC) Afternoon Tea in the Blackburne Hall 1.00pm - 4.00pm.  Guest Speaker is Rev. Tony Roach. Tickets £5.00. Offers of help will be appreciated.

Sadly, I have to report that Keith Holland passed  away  recently  and  our  thoughts  and prayers are with Jean and family at this sad time.

In love and friendship


Susan Sugden
Branch Leader