Firstly, thank you to the ladies who helped provide the Parish Lunch last month and also to all who came along and supported it. Although these occasions aren’t always about making a profit, but to give people the opportunity to come together to share a meal, I’m pleased to say a profit was made and will go to some worthwhile charity.

At the meeting last month we enjoyed hearing from Chris Foote Wood talking about remaining seaside piers. Chris dressed in striped jacket and straw boater looked like he was ready to take to the stage as he made us all smile as he took us all on a trip down memory lane.

On the 3rd July we have Peter Watson and his talk is titled ‘Funny you should say that’ and the meaning behind the funny saying we hear. Peter is always very entertaining and informative. As usual visitors are welcome to join us.

The MU is holding an Afternoon Tea on the 24th July 1.00pm - 4.00pm. The guest speaker is Rev. Tony Roach who many will remember from his association with Bury Parish Church. Tony is currently an Army Chaplain based at Catterick. This event is open to everyone and the cost is £5. To reserve a place please ring me on 01204 884671. The proceeds from this event will go to Mothers’ Union projects.

Also on the 19th July at 7.30pm there is a joint fundraising event with MU and Union of Catholic Mothers’ at Holy Cross College. The tickets cost £5 inc. refreshments.

Can I remind members and friends who are going on the garden visit to White Coppice Farm on 4th July to be outside Church for 12.45pm for a prompt departure at 1.00pm.

The MU for several years have manned a tent at the Bury Show for a baby feeding and changing facility / lost children. Julie Lancaster last year had the brainwave to enter a knitted item in the handicraft section under the MU name and gained 2nd prize. This year I offered her something from our knitted items and am pleased to say MU were awarded a 1st prize. Thank you to all the ladies who knit for Mothers’ Union.

The Bolton Archdeaconry Festival is to be held on 9th August at St George with St James, Daisy Avenue, Bolton at 7.30pm.

The Provincial Meeting takes place at York Minster on 9th November at 11.00am. Coach transport will be arranged but there are no details as yet but it will be an early start, approx. 8.00am. Please see separate notice regarding this event.

In love and friendship

Susan Sugden
Branch Leader