What a busy but enjoyable July we have had.

Thank you to all who came along and supported our Afternoon Tea. 64 members and friends enjoyed an Afternoon Tea in the Blackburne Hall and an opportunity to catch up with the guest speaker Rev. Tony Roach. It was so nice to hear Tony’s journey beginning as a Curate at Bury Parish Church, then a parish at Kearsley, then on to Army Chaplain and the gateway to the world. Tony was brilliant, amusing and obviously has the right personality for the role of Army Chaplain. Our grateful thanks go to Tony for giving his time to join us and make our event so successful. Tony and Ann will be moving to the Northeast in August and we wish them well in this next chapter of their lives. Lastly, I must thank committee members for their help and support at this event.  Proceeds from this event will go to Mothers’ Union projects.

At the July meeting Peter Watson gave an interesting talk titled ‘Funny you should say that’ and the meaning behind these sayings. As usual Peter was very amusing and had us all laughing. The following day 16 members and friends enjoyed a trip to the Stones and Roses Garden at White Coppice Farm, Chorley. We had a lovely day, the sun was out, the garden looked stunning with the flowers in full bloom, tea and scones were delicious and the afternoon ended with Raymond giving a short organ recital.

The social evening at Holy Cross College (19th July) seemed to be well attended and 6 members from our branch went along to support this fund raising event. It was a joint venture by Mothers’ Union and Union of Catholic Mothers. I haven’t heard how much was raised but proceeds are going to Victims of Abuse.

We don’t have a meeting planned for August but there is the Bolton Archdeaconry service at St George with St James, Bolton on the Thursday 9th August at 7.30pm. This will be Christine Faulkner’s last service as Archdeaconry President. Earlier on the same day, 9th August, is the Thursday Prayer Service at Church House, Manchester at 12.00 noon.

Our congratulations and best wishes go to Elizabeth and Harold Holiday who will be celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary in August. Also, best wishes to all celebrating special birthdays in August.

The Mothers’ Union are producing a Newsletter and the 1st edition is now available. You can see it on pages 19 and 20 of this month's magazine, but it will also be on the notice board in Church.

Can I thank all the Ladies who have given their time to support the pupils at St Paul’s School with  reading  and  wish  you  a  well  earned Summer break.

Our thoughts and prayers are with June and Dawn Wight on the sad and sudden loss of Ray.

In love and friendship


Susan Sugden
Branch Leader