Branch Leader's Letter for November

Dear All,

At our October meeting we enjoyed the company of Margaret Goodwin who is a much travelled lady. She entertained us with tales of her trip to Brazil and we all thoroughly enjoyed hearing about her experiences. We hope Margaret will join us again in the future so we can learn more about her worldwide travels. Thank you Margaret.

St Paul’s are again holding a Christmas fund raising event and have asked for our help to provide the small knitted Christmas stockings. If anyone is able to help with this task it will be much appreciated. Patterns available on the notice board in Church.

The Mothers’ Union Christmas celebration will be held at the Red Hall on Tuesday 3rd Dec @ 12,30pm for 1.00pm. At the October meeting after some discussion it was decided not to have the secret Santa but to buy something of equal value for the Food Bank. I have asked the Coordinators at the Food Bank to provide a list of suggested items to help us. I am hoping to have the list available at the November meeting.

The lunch is open to all members of the congregation and we will be delighted to have friends join us. The cost is £15 for 2 courses and £17 for three courses. Please ring the number below to ask about menu choices or book a place. Please can I ask for payment to be made by cheque to BPCMU.

At the November meeting we have Frances Brough who manages the MU shop at Church House joining us. She will bring a selection of items i.e. diaries, planners and cards etc. which we can purchase on the night. It is planned as a social evening with time for chat and possibly a quiz.

I will be planning the 2020 programme soon so if anyone has any suggestions regarding speakers do please share them.

MU Festical September 2019

My love and prayers to all

Susan Sugden

Branch Leader