Firstly, can I thank you all for the generous donations of Easter Eggs. We had enough to give each child at St Paul’s School an egg, as well as to all the children in Church on Easter Sunday at BPC and St Paul’s and the surplus eggs going to the Food Bank.

Secondly, I would like to thank all the members who helped to provide the Parish Lunch in May and also all who came along and supported it. I am pleased to report that the profit made from the event will go to Christian Aid.

I have received a Thank You card from St Paul’s School PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends Association) in appreciation of the support given with the task of the knitted Easter chicks. They made a grand total of £225 which is almost a £100 more than last year. The Thank You card is displayed on the notice board in Church.

At the meeting last month we heard from Peter Watson who took us on a trip down Memory Lane with his various pieces of memorabilia many of which bring a smile to your face but some you are pleased to leave behind.

In July we have Ann Milius who will show us the art of paper craft and hopefully by the end of the evening we will all have created a cute mouse or similar. I met Ann at the Greenmount Christmas Fair and she creates some wonderful items. I’m not really a craft person but I think even I can do this with her guidance.

The Bury Deanery AGM should have taken place on the 20th May at All Saints Church Hall but was cancelled at short notice. A new date is to be arranged for June and I will keep you informed.

The annual ‘United in Support’ joint fundraising event with Mothers’ Union and Union of Catholic Mothers is to take place on the 17th July @ Holy Cross College. Doors open at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. The cost is usually £5 including a pasty and peas supper. This is usually a great social evening and profitable fund raising event.


With Best Wishes

In love and friendship

Susan Sugden

Branch Leader