Dear All,

At the July meeting to celebrate our 120th anniversary we had a celebration cake. Don’t fret if you missed out on a slice as there will be another cake at the Deanery Festival in September.

Christine Sharp also joined us at the July meeting and gave a presentation on the work MU do within the Prison Service supporting families. New family friendly areas have been created for the children to play during visiting times.

On August 6th we are hosting an Afternoon Tea at 1.00pm The tickets cost £5 plus on the day we are asking everyone to bring a donation for the Food Bank. There is always a heavy demand on Food Banks but in the School holidays it must be greater than usual. Tickets are available on Sunday mornings in Church or ring the number below. Profits from the event will go to causes in line with Mothers’ Union aims and objectives.

The Bury Deanery Festival will take place on Sunday 8th September @ 2.30pm at Bury Parish Church. By hosting the Festival it gives us the opportunity to celebrate our special anniversary with all the Mothers Union members in the Bury area. We are planning to have light refreshments and a celebration cake following the service.

Can I thank all the Ladies who support the children at St Paul’s school with reading and say how much this is appreciated by the School. I hope you all enjoy the long summer break and look forward to seeing you all back there in September.

The annual joint fundraising event with the Union of Catholic Mothers and MU was held at Holy Cross College in July and was well supported. 7 Ladies from our branch went along and enjoyed a lovely social evening. Proceeds will be divided between the 2 organisations.

With Love and Prayers to you all

Susan Sugden

Branch Leader