Dear All,

Firstly, I would like to thank all 64 people who came and supported our Afternoon Tea event and a special thanks to the Committee for the good team work in the preparation behind the scenes. From the comments received everyone enjoyed the afternoon tea and the speaker Pat Ascroft was brilliant, funny and entertaining having everyone laughing out loud.

Proceeds of £270 from this event will allow us to make a donation to the Choir Camp Fund with other monies going to Mothers’ Union projects. Also, I asked everyone to bring one item for the food bank and you did, so thank you on behalf of the Chesham Food Bank as they were very grateful and appreciated the large stock delivered to them the following day courtesy of Judith Norris. The demand on the Food Bank is huge at all times but during the School holidays the demand is greater. We can continue to support them by bringing an item to our MU meeting or putting an item in the red tub at the back of Church.

The beginning of September is a busy time as we have our meeting with the Rector speaking on a subject of his choice followed by the Deanery Festival on the 8th September. As it’s our 120th anniversary this year we thought it would be nice to share this celebration with the Deanery. The service will take place on the Sunday 8th September at 2.30pm at Bury Parish Church followed by refreshments and a celebration cake in the Blackburne Hall. I hope as many members as possible will be there.

The Bury Deanery AGM is planned for the Monday 23rd September at All Saints Church Hall, Elton, @ 7.00pm. There will be a Bring and Buy.

The Diocesan Festival is to be held on Saturday 28th September at St Ann’s Church, St Ann’s Square, Manchester @ 2.30pm At the committee meeting in July it was agreed after much discussion that the MU Christmas Lunch would be at the Red Hall on Tuesday 3rd December. More details to follow in due course. The latest newsletter is on the notice board in Church and I will have more copies at the next meeting.

With Love and Prayers to you all

Susan Sugden

Branch Leader