Events During March


We are beginning our search for any candidates, adult or child (from Year 6 onwards) who might like to explore Confirmation. Confirmation is when, after looking at the claims of the Christian Faith, we feel moved to stand and publicly say that we identify ourselves with Jesus Christ.

Requirements; that
• you come to church regularly (it’s really tricky, nay, not possible to explore the Christian life without joining in worship with our sisters and brothers),
• you join in a course of faith exploration,
• you commit yourself to explore faith through prayer and bible reading on your own.

Not a requirement;
that you are baptised. Confirmation is sort of the adult version of baptism and we can include baptism in the service.

Have a word with one of the clergy. Oh, and if you would like to remind yourself about the faith, have a refresher course, as it were, you would be really, really welcome.

Date for Confirmation: Sunday 14th June at 10am.

Adult Sunday School

We continue our rhythm of monthly Adult Sunday School gatherings at the Robert Peel on the third Sundays of the month. We will gather on Sunday 15 March.
If you’ve not joined us, do come. We start at 8.45 am, straight after the early service and finish in time to potter over to church for the 10 am Eucharist. Nourishment for the body and soul.

A Church of Many Voices

Sounds exciting, doesn’t it!
As St Paul reminds us, we are all part of one body worshipping together so the more who share in leading our worship, surely, the more enriching it becomes.
We now have a very loyal band of people who regularly read, lead intercessory prayers and serve as lay assistants and crucifers.
However it would be wonderful if we could encourage more of you to volunteer to participate in any of these areas. No qualifications required just a loyal and willing heart. Friendly training and assistance in abundance. To find out more, why not have a chat at coffee with any of the current band of volunteers. If you think that you may be interested please do have a word with Julian, Rhiannon or myself.
With every blessing

Mothering Sunday
After-Church refreshments – 22nd March

There is a bit of a tradition in many houses that, on Mothering Sunday, the ladies of the house step back and the gentlemen step forward. It’s a good tradition. And I would like to extend it to the families who gathers at Bury Parish Church. So, this is a call-out to the gentlemen of the parish. We need volunteers to staff the counter after Church on this Sunday. And to do the washing up after. If you would like to be part of this ministry on this day, can you have a word with Susan Sugden? It would be rather wonderful to hear that the response has been somewhat overwhelming. Rumour has it, too, that that traditional food on Mothering Sunday, Simnel Cake, will be on offer.

Book Group

The Book Group meets on 12th March at 7.30 pm in the Rectory. “The Diary of a Bookseller” by Shaun Bythell. The one after that is on 23rd April; “Bridge of Clay” by Markus Zusak.
-Jackie Heaton.

Lent in Bury 2020

Our Archbishops this year have launched a #livelent campaign seeking to encourage us all to respond to God’s plea to care for his creation.
We have taken the themes and ideas suggested as part of this campaign to devise a local approach to care for God’s creation in and around Bury.
Please take time to explore this site. There are resources to download for use in churches and schools as well as some individual challenges to think about.
If you would like to get involved online search and use #livelentbury and #livelent in your posts.
To find out more about the #livelent campaign, CLICK HERE
Lent 1 Light & Energy
Lent 2 Water
Lent 3 Land & Plants
Lent 4 Stars & Seasons
Lent 5 Creatures of Sea & Land