FAQ Regarding the Appointment of a New Rector

The process to appoint a new Rector for Bury Parish Church has begun and we are aware that many people have been asking about this, so the following may help answer some of those questions:

  • Will the new incumbent still be Rector?
    Yes, the Archdeacon has confirmed that the post holder will be called Rector of Bury Parish Church and Vicar of St Paul’s.
  •  What is the process?
    The PCC is responsible for appointing a new Rector and has appointed a Standing Committee to act on its behalf through the recruitment process. This Committee is made up of the Wardens, the Chairs of Committees, the Treasurer, the Secretary to the PCC, and Rhiannon. It is responsible for preparing a Parish Profile that will be used in advertising the post. Two Parish Representatives will be selected to act on behalf of the PCC in the interviews. The Archdeacon is guiding the PCC and the Standing Committee through the process. Our Patron, the Earl of Derby, will be involved in the interview and will formally appoint the new Rector.
  • How long will it take?
    The process has begun but it is likely to be not less than 9 months before a new incumbent is installed as our new Rector.
  • Who is in charge during the interregnum?
    The Wardens are responsible for making arrangements for clergy to lead services. We are grateful to Rhiannon and Ian, together with visiting clergy, for agreeing to take on these roles. Rhiannon will not be Acting Rector but has agreed that she is happy to be contacted on any matters that would normally be dealt with by the Rector during this time and we are enormously thankful to her for this. The PCC will continue to be responsible for all other matters.
  • What will be the arrangement with St Paul’s?
    The new incumbent will hold the post in plurality, that is to say will be in charge of both churches, and will be assisted by the Associate Rector. The Parish Profile will be a joint document and St Paul’s PCC is going through the same process as our PCC. St Paul’s will also have two Parish Representatives during the recruitment process.

    If you have any questions about the process please ask any member of the PCC who should be able to help or direct you to someone who can, or email buryparishchurch@gmail.com

    With the grace of God we will find the right person to lead us into our next chapter at Bury Parish Church so please pray for this and for those who are leading this process for us.