Pastoral Care Seminar

Members of the congregation and clergy recently met at Bury Parish Church to look at aspects of Pastoral Care within our church community. 


The session, led by Associate Rector Rhiannon Jones,   Canon Ian McVeety and Ordinand Sheila Beattie, looked at Pastoral care, baptisms, weddings and funerals, and home communion.
The main objective of the meeting was to look at ways of involving members of the congregation in these aspects of the church, to set up methods of having the congregation more involved in the life of the church and to support church members who may need or benefit from support. 

Should you feel you would like to become involved in any of these facets of Pastoral Care such as helping with organisation and support with BMDs, offering home communion and also organising help for members of our church community or by using skills you may have, such as IT, offering company or help with shopping or in any other way please let Rhiannon or Sheila know.