Branch Leader's Letter for August

Thank you to all members who attended the Deanery Festival at St Paul’s, Ramsbottom. It was a nice service and as usual candles were lit in memory of members who have died during the past year. We also remembered the 22 people who lost their lives at the Manchester Arena bombing and a further 22 candles were lit in their memory. Mrs Shirley Rothwell the new Branch Leader at St Paul’s was commissioned during the service.

The Archdeaconry Festival is to be held at St Margaret’s, Prestwich on Wednesday 9th August at 7.30pm. I have received an invitation from Christine Faulkner, the Archdeaconry President, inviting all members.

At our July meeting David Winterbottom talked about his role as an NHS Dispatcher. It was very evident David thoroughly enjoys this role and gets much job satisfaction helping and assisting people via the 999 calls. We all very much enjoyed hearing of his experiences.

On the 1st August we are having Afternoon Tea followed by Chris Foote-Wood speaking about his book Victoria Wood - Comedy Genius. Tickets are £4.00. We are serving afternoon tea from 1.30pm and Chris will speak at approx. 3.00pm. If committee members/helpers canbeavailablefrom12.00thiswillbe much appreciated.

I must also thank the ladies who have been involved at St Paul’s School supporting the children in their reading. This activity has been much appreciated by the teachers and they hope we can continue to give our support in the new school year. I am planning to meet with the Head Teacher at the beginning of September to discuss timetables etc.

Sadly, I have to report that Mrs Audrey Booth has died and our thoughts and prayers are with Eileen and the family at this sad time. Audrey had been a member of the Mothers’ Union for more than 60 years beginning her membership at St Anne’s, Tottington before joining BPC.

I know it seems early to be thinking about Christmas but at the September meeting we will have to be making plans regarding our Christmas celebration. If anyone has any ideas please share them.

I hope you all enjoy a lovely summer break.

In love and friendship,

Susan Sugden
Branch Leader